If you often need to post sales or purchase lines with similar information, you can use standard sales or purchase codes.
For example, you can use standard purchase codes to post rent, service fees, telephone expenses and other periodic charges. Or you might use standard sales codes if you have a customer that often orders the same items.
You can set up any number of these codes, and each of them can consist of any number of standard lines. You then assign standard purchase codes to the relevant vendors, and standard sales codes to the relevant customers.
Later, when you set up a sales or purchase document for a customer or vendor with a code, you can use the Get Standard Customer Sales Code function or the Get Standard Vendor Purchase Code function to automatically insert the sales or purchase lines that you set up for the code.
You can set up standard sales or purchase lines with text, G/L accounts, items, fixed assets and item charges. You can also set up standard sales lines with resources.
Setting up Standard Purchase Codes and Standard Sales Codes
Assigning Standard Purchase Codes to Vendors
Assigning Standard Sales Codes to Customers
Inserting Standard Sales or Purchase Lines on Documents