It is possible to enter item charges, such as freight or handling charges, into Navision and link them to the items that they relate to.
The item charge can be entered into the program on a separate invoice or on the document where the items this cost relate to are listed.
If you want to link an item charge to items that have already been posted as receipts, you must use the Get Receipt Lines function.
Before you can use this function, you must open the right purchase document (order, invoice or credit memo) and enter a purchase line with item charge.
Open the Item Charge Assignment (Purch) window by clicking Line, Item Charge Assignment. You can only open this window if you have clicked on a line containing an item charge.
In the Item Charge Assignment (Purch) window, click Functions, Get Receipt Lines. The Purch. Receipt Lines window opens.
The Purch. Receipt Lines window contains a list of all posted purchase receipt lines.
From the list of posted purchase receipts, select the lines that you want to assign the item charge to.
You can search on several fields. You can also select more lines. For Help about a specific field, click the field and press F1.
When you have selected the right lines, click OK to return to the Item Charge Assignment (Purch) window and assign the item charge from there.
Before assigning the item charge, you can have the program suggest a assignment.
Assigning Item Charges to Purchase Documents