When you purchase goods, you usually receive the invoice from the person or company that you ordered the goods from. But at times, you may receive the invoice from a different vendor.
If a vendor has more than one inventory location, you may receive the goods from a different address than the invoice address. In this case, you must choose from among various order addresses.
When speaking of purchases, we use the terms "buy-from vendor" and "pay-to vendor." For example, you might order an item from a department of a large public institution (the buy-from vendor), but you receive the invoice from a central accounting office (the pay-to vendor).
In the program, there are two types of vendor addresses that you can use, depending on the different types of vendors you deal with.
The buy-from address is the address of the vendor that will ship the items.
You can enter a vendor number in the Pay-to Vendor No. field on any vendor card (provided that you have also set up a card for the pay-to vendor).
Afterward, every time you fill in a purchase quote, order, invoice or credit memo, this number and the associated name and address are copied to the corresponding fields on the purchase header.
The pay-to address is the address of the vendor to which you will pay for the items.
If you need to register invoices that are received from an alternative vendor, you can set up a pay-to vendor permanently on a vendor card or enter a pay-to vendor on individual purchase documents.
If you have not set up an alternative invoicing address, the program fills in the fields on the Invoicing tab on a purchase header with the information for the vendor number that you enter in the Buy-from Vendor No. field. You can change it afterward.
If you do not know ahead of time that a certain invoicing address will be used for every invoice from a vendor, do not fill in the Pay-to Vendor No. field on the vendor card. Instead, enter the pay-to vendor number after you have set up a purchase quote, order or invoice header.
When you order items, they are not always shipped from the address on the invoice. The order address is the address from which items will be shipped.
You can associate any number of order addresses with a vendor. Each address is identified by a unique code, and when you use this code on a purchase quote, order or invoice header, the related address information is printed on the purchase receipt.
The order address also appears on the printed invoice.
Using Permanent Invoicing Addresses for Vendors
Choosing Invoicing Addresses for Single Transactions
Setting Up Alternative Order Addresses for Vendors
Using Alternative Order Addresses for Vendors