When you purchase goods, you usually receive the invoice from the person or company that you ordered the goods from. But at times, you may receive the invoice from a different vendor.
If you do not know beforehand that a certain invoicing address will be used for every invoice from a vendor, do not fill in the Pay-to Customer No. field on the vendor card. Instead, enter the pay-to vendor number after you have set up a purchase quote, order or invoice header.
The following procedure uses a purchase quote as an example, but it also applies to purchase orders and purchase invoices.
Open the Purchase Quote
Press F3, and then press Enter to create a new quote and give it a number.
In the Buy-from Vendor No. field, enter the number of the vendor that you are going to buy something from, and then click OK.
Click the Invoicing tab.
In the Pay-to Vendor No. field, enter the number of the vendor you must pay.
Using Permanent Invoicing Addresses for Vendors