Copy Service Document Batch Job

You use the Copy Service Document batch job for creating or updating a service contract or a contract quote with service items already included in an existing service document owned by the same customer.

First you must create a new service contract or contract quote and add contract lines to it. Then you can use this batch job to help you fill out new service documents with the contract lines from the previously created one.

To run the batch job, open the Service Contract or Service Contract Quote window.

Create a new or open an existing service contract or contract quote owned by the same customer as the one you want to copy from.

Click Functions, Copy Document. The Copy Service Document batch job request window appears. In this window, you must specify which service document you want to copy information from.


You can use this batch job to copy the documents owned by the same customer with the same currency code and ship-to code. However, you can also copy service items from a service contract with a different ship-to code by entering the respective document number manually in the Document No. field.

You cannot update the existing service contract or contract quote with the service items already included in it.

You determine what is included in the batch job by filling in the fields on the Options tab. To run the batch job, fill in these fields:

Options tab

Document Type: Click the AssistButton in the field and select the document type that you want to copy from.

Document No.: Click the AssistButton in the field and select the document number that you want to copy from. The document numbers are filtered depending on the content of the field above.

Customer No.: This field contains the customer number from a document you have selected to copy the information from.

Customer Name: This field contains the customer name from a document you have selected to copy the information from.

Click OK to start the batch job. If you do not want to run the batch job now, click Cancel to close the window.