When you send a payment receipt to a vendor or you receive a payment refund, you must decide whether to apply the payment or refund to one or more open debit or credit entries. You can specify the exact amount you want to apply to, for example, the payment and thereby only partly apply customer ledger entries. It is important at some stage to close (apply) all vendor ledger entries in order to obtain correct vendor statistics and printouts of the account statements and finance charges.
You can apply vendor ledger entries:
in connection with entering information in a journal:
from a purchase header (credit memo or return order):
If the posted application have resulted in closed vendor ledger entries, these ledger entries will no longer have a check mark in the Open field.
After you have selected an entry from the Apply Vendor Entries window by clicking OK, or several entries by setting the applies-to ID, the Amount field on the journal line will contain the sum of the remaining amounts for the posted entries you have selected -unless the field contains something already.
If you select Apply to Oldest in the Application Method field on the vendor card - then the program will take care of the application automatically.
If you are applying already posted entries, you select one of the entries as the applying entry with the function Set Applying Entry. You can remove an applying entry with the function Remove Applying Entry. If you set a new applying entry while there is an applying entry in the header, the new entry will become the applying entry and the former applying entry will be removed as applying entry. But the former applying entry will now have an applies-to ID set.
Allowing for Application of Vendor Ledger Entries in Different Currencies
Allowing for Rounding Differences when Applying Entries
Applying Vendor Ledger Entries in Different Currencies to One Another
Setting Up G/L Accounts for Rounding Differences
Applying Customer Ledger Entries
Unapplying Applied Customer or Vendor Ledger Entries