Update Contact Classification Batch Job

With this batch job, you can update the automatic classification of your contacts. This batch job updates all the answers to the profile questions that are automatically answered by the program, based on customer, vendor or contact data. To run the batch job, open the Profile Questionnaire Setup window and then click Functions, Update Classification.

When you modify information about your contacts, vendors or customers, the program automatically updates questions used in your contact rating. All other types of automatically answered questions within the profile questionnaires are not automatically updated. You must do it manually using the Update Contact Classification batch job.

You can set filters on any of the fields. If you do not set any filters, the batch job will include all your records. If you want to include more information, you can select additional fields to be included in the batch job. To do this, in the Field field, press F3, click the AssistButton and then select the relevant field(s).

Click OK to start the batch job. If you do not want to run the batch job now, click Cancel to close the window.

To filter the information in the batch job, in the Filter field, fill in the relevant information as follows:

Profile Questionnaire Header tab

Code field: Enter the codes of the questionnaires you want to update the contact classification for. If you leave this field empty, the program will update all automatically answered questions.

Description field: Enter a description if you only want to update questionnaires with that particular description.

Business Relation Code field: Enter a business relation code if you only want to update the questionnaires assigned that business relation.

Click the Lookup button in the lower left-hand corner of the window to see the table with the filters you have set for the batch job.

Options tab

Date: Enter the date on which you update the contact classification.

Click the Lookup button in the lower left-hand corner of the window to see the table with the filters you have set for the batch job.

Click OK to start the batch job. If you do not want to run the batch job now, click Cancel to close the window.

Related Topics

Entering Criteria in Filters


Creating Contact Ratings