Adds a text string to a BigText variable.

BigText.ADDTEXT(Variable[, Position])



Type: BigTextThe BigText to which the text string will be added.

Type: BigText, Code, or TextThe string that will be added to the BigText variable. If this parameter is empty, then the BigText variable is not modified.

Type: IntegerThis is an optional parameter that defines the position in the BigText variable where the string is inserted. If this parameter is omitted, then the string is added at the end of the BigText variable. If this parameter is less than one, then a run-time error occurs. If this parameter is greater than the length of the BigText variable, then the string is added at the end of the BigText variable.


Variable can be inserted anywhere in BigText or added at the end of the BigText.

The first character in a BigText variable is position 1.

To delete the content in a BigText variable, use the CLEAR Function. The following code shows the syntax for the function: CLEAR(BigText)


The following examples show how to use the ADDTEXT function. The specified text is inserted into the BigText string at the specified position. In these examples, the initial content of the BigText variable is ABCDEFG. These examples require that you create the following variables.

Variable name DataType



The following example inserts the string 'ZZZ' after the character B in the MyBigText variable because 3 is specified for Position.

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// Example 1 
MyBigText.ADDTEXT('ZZZ', 3); // Returns the subtext ABZZZCDEFG.


The following example appends the string 'ZZZ' at the end of the MyBigText variable because the number specified for Position is greater than the length of the MyBigText variable.

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// Example 2
MyBigText.ADDTEXT('ZZZ', 15); // Returns the subtext ABCDEFGZZZ.


In the following example, the content of the MyBigText variable is unchanged because the specified variable is an empty string.

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// Example 3
MyBigText.ADDTEXT('', 1); // Returns the subtext ABCDEFG.


In the following example, the function returns an error because 0 is specified for Position.

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// Example 4
MyBigText.ADDTEXT('ZZZ', 0); // Returns an error.

See Also