Service Order Statistics

The service order statistics feature provides you with a quick overview of the contents of the entire service order, the details on the specific service lines, and information related to invoicing, shipping and consuming, as well as the customer's balance.

The program displays the statistical data for a service order in the Service Order Statistics window for the relevant order. The window appears when you click Order, Statistics from the Service Order window. The data displayed in the window are grouped by five tabs: General, Shipping, Details, Service Line, and Customer. These tabs show information such as quantity, amount, VAT, cost, profit and customer credit limit. The amounts in the window are in the currency of the service order unless otherwise indicated.


This tab provides you with the totals of the service order. The data embrace total amount on the service lines (including and excluding VAT), VAT part, cost and profit on the service lines. The tab displays also specific item-related information on the items indicated on the service lines, such as weight, volume and the quantity of parcels.


This tab displays information about the items, resources and/or costs to be shipped. To provide the information, the program uses the values specified in the Qty. to Ship field on each of the service lines in the order.


The Details tab presents information about the items, resource hours and/or costs to be invoiced and consumed. The information on the tab is presented in three columns:

Service Line

This tab breaks down the information presented on the General tab by the types of service lines included in the service order. Therefore, the amounts are shown separately for:


This tab reveals the balance on the customer's account, as well as the maximum credit that can be endued to the customer you created the service document for.

The lines at the bottom of the Service Statistics window show the VAT details on the amounts in the service document.

Related Topics

Service Statistics

Viewing Service Order Statistics



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