Assigning Exact Cost Reversing

You may agree with your vendor to return a purchased item to them. When you have created a purchase return order and are ready to invoice it, you may want to revalue inventory using the unit cost that is connected to the original purchase entry. (The program, by default, values the item according to the costing method – except in the case of a fixed application.)

At this point, you have received the item.

To Assign Exact Cost Reversing Manually:

  1. Create a purchase return order for the vendor.

  2. Enter a line for the item you are returning.

  3. In the Appl.-to Item Entry field, click the AssistButton to the right and select the original purchase entry number. This links the purchase return order to the original purchase entry and ensures that the inventory decrease is valued at the original unit cost.

To Assign Exact Cost Reversing Automatically:

  1. Create a purchase return order for the vendor.

  2. Click Functions, and select either the Copy Document function or the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse function.
    Use the Copy Document function if you want to copy an entire document, possibly including the header. The Copy Document function only enables exact cost reversing when the exact cost reversing mandatory option is set up in the purchases and payables setup.
    Use the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse function if you only want to copy certain lines from one or more posted documents. The Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse function always creates exact cost reversing.
    When you use either of these functions (and, in the case of the Copy Document function, you have also set up exact cost reversing as mandatory in the purchases and payables setup), the program creates exact cost reversing by automatically filling in the Appl.-to Item Entry field on the lines.

Related Topics

Creating a Purchase Return Order

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