Export Item Budget to Excel Batch Job

This batch job is used to export a budget from Navision to an Excel workbook. You can then use Excel to create visual material. You can also make new budgets based on budget figures or actual figures from previous periods. You can import the budget back into Navision using the Import Item Budget from Excel function.

The Export Budget to Excel function appears when you open the Sales Budget Overview window or the Purchase Budget Overview window and then click Functions, Export to Excel.

You can define how you want the batch job carried out. Fill in the fields as follows:

Item Budget Entry

Budget Name: Specify which budget the budget entries exported to Excel will be based on. The program will fill in this field with the name of the active budget, but you can change this by clicking the AssistButton in the field.

Global Dimension 1 Code: Here you can set dimension values as filters so that only budget entries related to these dimension values will be exported to Excel.

Global Dimension 2 Code: Here you can set dimension values as filters so that only budget entries related to these dimension values will be exported to Excel.

Budget Dimension 1 Code: Here you can set dimension values as filters so that only budget entries related to these dimension values will be exported to Excel. The budget dimensions available are those set up in the budget chosen in the Budget Name field. This also applies to Budget Dimension 2, 3 and 4 Code fields.


If you have set filters for dimensions on the Item Budget Entry tab, you must always specify the same dimensions in the Column Dimensions field on the Options tab. If you fail to do this, dimension information will be lost when you import back into Navision from Excel.


Starting Date: Enter the first date to be included in the budget to be exported to Excel.

No. of Periods: Specify the number of accounting periods to be exported to Excel.

Period Length: Specify the length of the accounting periods for the budget to be exported to Excel.

Column Dimensions: Specify which dimensions will be shown as columns when the budget is exported to Excel. These should include the dimensions set as filters on the Item Budget Entry tab.

Include Totaling Formulas: Place a check mark in the field if you want sum formulas to be created in Excel based on the Totaling fields used in the Chart of Accounts window and for dimension values.

Click OK to start the batch job. The program will automatically create and open a new workbook in Excel and export the data to it. You can then name the Excel file and save it.

If you do not want to run the batch job now, click Cancel to close the window.