Viewing Contract Gain/Loss

The program automatically creates contract gain/loss entries when contract quotes are converted to service contracts, when contract lines are added or removed from service contracts and when contracts are canceled. The program creates either positive or negative entries.

To View Contract Gain/Loss, you can do one of the following:

  1. To view the contract gain/loss by service contract, open the Contract Gain/Loss (Contracts) window.

  2. To view the contract gain/loss by service contract group, open the Contract Gain/Loss (Groups) window.

  3. To view the contract gain/loss by customer, open the Contract Gain/Loss (Customers) window.

  4. To view the contract gain/loss by reason code, open the Contract Gain/Loss (Reasons) window.

  5. To view the contract gain/loss by responsibility center, open the Contract Gain/Loss (Resp.Ctr) window.

For Help about the window that appears, click the Help button.

Related Topics

Contract Gain/Loss (Customers)

Contract Gain/Loss (Reason Codes)

Contract Gain/Loss (Responsibility Centers)

Contract Gain/Loss (Service Contract Groups)

Contract Gain/Loss (Service Contracts)