Multiple Contracts

Depending on service level agreements with a customer, you may need to handle a service item under more than one service contract.  

By handling a service item under multiple contracts, you can:

• Issue different contracts for the same service item.

• Service its parts separately.

• Consider different skills needed to service different aspects of a service item, such as mechanical components and software.

• Specify different response times and frequencies in servicing different parts of a service item.

• Address different kinds of activities to be performed on a service item when the service item requires different types of service in different time periods.

• Select and assign a proper contract number to a service item line when creating a service order.

• Handle relevant financial information on service items and service level agreements.

You can consider the following examples of using the multiple contracts functionality:

Creating Multiple Contracts per Service Item

You can manually create a service contract or contract quote for service items already registered in non-canceled contracts owned by the same customer. To do this, follow the usual procedure of creating service contracts and contract quotes.

When you add a service item on a contract line that is registered in other service contracts or contract quotes, the program displays a warning message saying that the service item already belongs to one or more service contracts or contract quotes. If you confirm this message, the system will copy all relevant service item information to a newly created contract line.

Copying Documents

You can automatically create a service contract or contract quote for service items already registered in other service contracts or contract quotes by using the Copy Document function.

Creating Service Orders for Multiple Contracts   

You can manually create a service order for a service item registered in multiple active contracts. A service contract is active when it is signed and not expired.