Allocation Status and Repair Status

The repair status of service items and the allocation status of the allocation entries for the service items have a certain relationship in the Service Management application area. The allocation status changes when you change the repair status of the service item to Finished or Partly Serviced and when you convert a service quote to a service order. The repair status of the service item changes when you cancel the service item allocation or reallocate the service item to another resource. You can view the repair status of service items in the Service Tasks window and you can update the repair status in the Repair Status Code field in the Service Item Worksheet window. You can view the allocation status in the Status field in the Resource Allocations window.

Changing Repair Status

When you change the repair status of a service item on a service item line, the program searches for a corresponding allocation entry for this service item that has the status Active. If it finds such an allocation entry, it updates its status in one of the following ways:

The allocation status therefore reflects when the service process is finished, or when another resource is necessary in order to finish the service of the service item.

Converting Service Quotes to Service Orders

When you convert a service quote to a service order, the program updates the service order, the service items in the order and their allocation entries in the following ways:

Canceling Allocations

When you cancel an allocation for a service item, the program updates the allocation status of the corresponding allocation entry in the following way:

The program updates the repair status of the service item in the allocation entry in the following ways:


When you reallocate a service item in an allocation entry that is Active, the program updates the allocation entry in the following ways:

The program updates the repair status of the service item in the allocation entry in the same way as if you had canceled the allocation:

The program creates a new allocation entry containing the new resource and with the status Active.

Reallocating a Service Item Needing Reallocation

When you reallocate a service item in an allocation entry that has the status Reallocation Needed, the program updates the allocation entry in the following ways:

The program creates a new allocation entry containing the new resource and with the status Active.

Related Topics

Canceling Allocations

Reallocating Resources Using the Dispatch Board

Reallocating Resources Using a Service Order

Working on Service Tasks

Setting Up Repair Statuses