Clicking the Posting button will allow you to choose various posting functions when you post the purchase order:
When you have completed all the lines and entered all the information on the purchase order, you can post it, that is, create a receipt and an invoice.
When a purchase order is posted, the program updates the vendor's account, the general ledger application area and, if relevant, the inventory application area and warehouse application area.
For each purchase order, a purchase entry is created in the G/L Entry table. An entry is also created in the vendor's account in the Vendor Ledger Entry table and a G/L entry is created in the relevant payables account. In addition, posting the order may result in a VAT entry and a G/L entry for the discount amount. Whether an entry for the discount is posted depends on the contents of the Discount Posting field of the Purchases & Payables Setup table.
For each purchase order line, an item ledger entry will be created in the Item Ledger Entry table (if the purchase lines contain item numbers) or a G/L entry will be created in the G/L Entry table (if the purchase lines contain a G/L account). If your location is set up to use bins, a warehouse entry will be created in the Warehouse Entry table.
In addition to this, purchase orders are always recorded in the Purch. Recpt. Header and Purch. Inv. Header tables.
Before you start to post, you can print a test report that contains all the information in the purchase order and indicates any errors there. To print the report, choose Posting, Test Report.
When you post an order, you can create both a receipt and an invoice. These can be done simultaneously or independently.
You can also create a partial receipt and a partial invoice by completing the Qty. to Receive and/or Qty. to Invoice fields on the individual purchase order lines before you post. Note that you cannot create an invoice for something that has not been received. That is, before you can invoice, you must have recorded a receipt, or you must choose to receive and invoice at the same time.
To start posting, choose Posting, Post; or Posting, Post and Print. If you choose the second one, the program will print a report at the same time as you post. You can also choose the Post Batch function, which lets you post several orders at the same time.
When the posting is completed, the posted purchase lines disappear from the order. A message tells you when the posting is completed. After this, you will be able to see the posted entries in the various windows that contain posted entries (Vendor Ledger Entry, G/L Entry, Item Ledger Entry, Warehouse Entry, Purchase Receipt and Purchase Invoice).