You can use this batch job to calculate a replenishment plan for
those items and stockkeeping units, which have the replenishment system set to either
Purchase or Transfer. To run the batch job, open the Req. Worksheet window
and click Functions.
The Calculate Plan batch job performs the following steps:
It investigates the demand and supply situation of the item and calculates the projected available balance. This is defined as Inventory + Scheduled Receipts + Planned Receipts - Gross Requirement.
It states net requirements for the item.
It creates an item replenishment plan to fulfill net requirements. The plan is presented in the requisition worksheet as detailed order proposal lines that are accompanied by action messages, which suggest specific user actions. The action message options are:
New (Create new replenishment orders)
Change Qty. (Change quantity on existing replenishment orders)
Reschedule (Reschedule existing replenishment orders)
Resched. & Chg. (Reschedule existing replenishment orders and change the quantity of an existing order)
Cancel (Cancel excess replenishment orders)
You can accept the action message on the order proposal line and thereby process it further. If you don't want to accept it, you can also manually edit or delete lines in the requisition worksheet.
When you have approved a requisition line for purchase or transfer, you use the Carry Out Action Msg. - Req. batch job to convert the line to a purchase order or transfer order line.
You can define what is included in the batch job by setting filters. You can set additional fields on the Item tab by clicking the Field field, and then clicking the AssistButton that appears to the right. You can also determine how the batch job is processed by filling in the fields on the Options tab. Fill in the fields as follows:
No.: Here you can specify the numbers of the items that you want to include in the batch job. To see the existing item numbers, click the Filter field, and then click the AssistButton that appears to the right.
Search Description: Here you can specify the search descriptions of the items that you want to include in the batch job.
Location Filter: Here you can specify the locations that you want to include in the batch job. To see the existing locations, click the Filter field, and then click the AssistButton that appears to the right.
Click the up-arrow at the lower left-hand corner of the window to see the result of the filters you have defined for the table.
Order Date: Enter the date to be used for new orders. The program uses this date when it evaluates the inventory.
Ending Date: Enter the date where the planning period ends. The program does not include demand beyond this date.
Use Forecast: Select a forecast that should be included as demand when running the planning batch job.
Exclude Forecast Before: Define how much of the selected forecast to include in the planning run by entering a date before which forecast demand is not included.
Click OK to start the batch job. If you do not want to run the batch job now, click Cancel to close the window.