You can use this batch job when you want the program to carry out, or perform, the action message that it is proposing for the selected lines in the requisition worksheet.
When you run the batch job, the program carries out the proposed actions and changes the existing replenishment plan accordingly. This could result in any of the following situations (or a combination of them):
The program changes existing replenishment orders according to the action message proposal. This could be, for example, changing the quantity or rescheduling the due date.
The program deletes any existing replenishment orders that carry the action message Cancel.
The program makes new replenishment orders from proposals that carry the action message New. Note that these orders will not be posted, and you can view them in the relevant application area. You can make changes in the orders after the batch job has run.
You can define what is included in the batch job by placing a check mark in the Accept Action Message field for the relevant lines. You can also remove the check mark if you want to. The program includes only those lines that have accepted action messages in the batch job.
The batch job deletes the lines in the requisition worksheet after it has performed the action message. The other lines remain in the requisition worksheet until they are either accepted at a later date or else deleted. You can also delete the lines manually.
Print Orders: Place a check mark in the check box to print the replenishment orders that are created.
Click the OK button to start the batch job. If you do not want to run the batch job now, click Cancel to close the window.