In a budget with dimensions, you can filter the entries and, thereby, see specific budgets.
Open the Purchase Budget
Overview window.
On each tab, fill in the relevant fields. For Help about a specific field, click the field and press F1. On the Filters tab, you must fill in a least one filter field.
If you want to view the budget for a specific vendor, on the General tab, fill in the Vendor Filter field.
If you want to view the budget for a specific item, fill in the Item Filter field.
In the Show Values as field, select either Sales Amount, Cost Amount or Quantity to specify the values you want to view in the budget.
If you have selected Period in either the Show as Lines or Show as Columns field, then at the bottom left-hand corner of the window, you must select the appropriate time interval button.
If you have not selected Period in either the Show as Lines or Show as Columns field, then on the Filters tab, in the Date Filter field, you must enter the appropriate period.
Only the entries from the budget with the filter codes that you enter on the Filters tab are included in the calculation. Budget entries with other filter codes or without any filter codes are not included.
As long as the filter remains in the window, the budget only displays the budget entries with these filter codes.
If you need to modify the budget, simply enter new amounts in the relevant fields.
Setting Up New Purchase Budgets