You can have multiple budgets for identical periods by creating budgets with separate names. First you set up the budget name and enter the budget figures. The budget name is then assigned to all the budget entries you create.
Open the Purchase Budget
Overview window.
In the Budget Name field, click the AssistButton to open the Budget Names window.
Press F3 to insert a new line, fill in the relevant fields and then click OK to copy the new purchase budget name to the field. Only entries that contain this budget name shown in the Budget Name field are now displayed. Because the budget name has just been created, there are no entries that match the filter, so the window is empty.
If you want to set up a budget for a specific vendor, on the General tab fill in the Vendor Filter field.
If you want to set up a budget for a specific item, fill in the Item Filter field.
In the Show Values as field, select either Sales Amount, Cost Amount or Quantity to specify the values you want to view in the budget.
In the lower left-hand corner of the window, select the appropriate time interval button.
On the lines, enter your budget amounts or quantities.
For Help about a specific field, click the field and press F1.
On the Filters tab, there are up to 3 filters depending on how many budget dimensions you have set up under the budget name.