This function may be useful if you return to your vendor several items, which are covered by different purchase return orders.
When you ship the items, you post the relevant purchase return orders as shipped, thus creating posted purchase return shipments.
When you are ready to invoice these items, instead of invoicing each purchase return order separately, you can instead create a purchase credit memo and automatically copy the posted purchase return shipment lines to this document. Then you can post the purchase credit memo and conveniently invoice all the open purchase return orders at once.
At this point, there are several purchase return orders for the vendor, and they have been posted as shipped.
Create a purchase credit memo for the vendor.
Click Functions, Get Return Shipment Lines.
The Get Return Shipment Lines window appears - containing posted
purchase return shipment lines.
Select the lines that you want to copy to the purchase credit memo and click OK. Note that you can select multiple lines to copy.
Posting a Purchase Return Order
Creating Purchase Credit Memos