A purchase order can be received and invoiced several times. A partial receipt occurs when a purchase is received in more than one delivery. For example, from an order for 100 units, you receive 20 units immediately and 80 later.
You can do a partial receipt on any order for more than one unit.
Open the Purchase Order
Browse to the order that you have partially received.
Fill in the Posting Date field.
Select the relevant order line.
In the Qty. to Receive field, enter the quantity that you have received.
Click Posting, Post. If you want to print the receipt at the same time as you post, click Posting, Post and Print instead.
Click Receive, and then click OK. The program now posts the quantity you entered in the Qty. to Receive as received.
Notice that the Qty. to Receive field and the Quantity Received field are updated accordingly.
Repeat steps 1-7 each time you receive part of your order, until the remainder of the order has been received.
When you enter a job number in the Job No. field on a purchase line with an item, the program do not create an item entry, but only a job entry, when the document is posted.
Posting Partial Purchase Invoices