By using the multiple currencies feature in the Purchases & Payables application area, you can post invoices from a vendor in an unlimited number of currencies.
You can use this feature to post invoices from vendors that are changing their currency to the euro in both the vendor’s old national currency and the euro. If you post invoices from a vendor in more than one currency, vendor statistics for each currency can provide you with an overview of your status with the vendor.
Open the Purchase Invoice
Press F3, and then press Enter to create a new invoice and give it a number.
Fill in an invoice for a foreign vendor.
Note that on the Foreign Trade tab, the program filled in the Currency Code field with the vendor’s default currency from the vendor card. You can change the contents of the Currency Code field to the currency in which you place an order with the vendor as necessary.
Post the invoice.
Viewing Vendor Statistics by Currencies
Assigning Currency Codes to Vendors