Date Calculation for Purchases

The program can calculate when you should order an item to have it in your inventory on a certain date, and when you can expect items ordered on a particular date to be available for picking.

If you enter a requested receipt date, the program calculates the date on which the order must be placed for you to receive the items on this date, and it then calculates the date the items will be available for picking and enters this date in the Expected Receipt Date field.

If you don't specify a requested receipt date, the program uses the order date on the line as the starting point in its calculation of the date you can expect to receive the items and the date the items will be available for picking.

Calculating with a Requested Receipt Date

If there is a requested receipt date on the purchase line, the program uses this date as the starting point for the following calculations:

Requested Receipt Date - Lead Time Calculation = Order Date

Requested Receipt Date + Inbound Whse. Handling Time + Safety Lead Time = Expected Receipt Date

If you entered a requested receipt date on the order header, the program copies this date to the corresponding field on all the order lines. You can change this date on any of the lines if you need to, or you can remove the date on the line.

Calculating without a Requested Delivery Date

If you enter a purchase line without a requested delivery date, the program fills in the Order Date field on the line with the date in the Order Date field on the purchase header, which is either the date you entered or the work date. The program then calculates the following dates for the purchase line, with the order date as the starting point:

Order Date + Lead Time Calculation = Planned Receipt Date

Planned Receipt Date + Inbound Whse. Handling Time + Safety Lead Time = Expected Receipt Date

If you change the order date on the line (for example, because the items are not available at your vendor until a later date), the program automatically recalculates the relevant dates on the line. If you change the order date on the header, the program can enter this date in the Order Date field on all the lines and will then recalculate all the related date fields.

Related Topics

Entering Inbound Whse. Handling Time on Location Cards

Entering Inbound Whse. Handling Time on Inventory Setup