Date Filter Field

The Work Center Group Table

In this field, you can set a date filter.

If the field contains a date, the values in the fields that contain quantities are only based on entries with the date that is included in the filter.

You can enter a date or a time interval. There are certain rules for how they should be entered:


Sample Expression

Entries Included

Equal to 12 15 00 Only entries for 12 15 00.
Interval 12 15 00..01 15 01 Those entries on dates between and including 12 15 00 and 01 15 01.
  ..12 15 00 Those entries for 12 15 00 or earlier.
Either/or 12 15 00|12 16 00 Those posted on either 12 15 00 or 12 16 00. If there are entries posted on both days, they will all be displayed.

You can also combine the various format types:

Sample Expression

Entries Included

12 15 00|12 01 00..12 10 00 Entries either on 12 15 00 or on dates between and including 12 01 00 and 12 10 00.
..12 14 00|12 30 00.. Entries posted on 12 14 00 or earlier, or entries posted on 12 30 00 or later - that is, all entries except those posted dates between and including 12 15 00 and 12 29 00.