In this field, you can select the method the program must use when it calculates the output quantity of the item in the production process. Click the Assist-Button to the right of the field and then select one of the following options:
Select this option if you want to post the output manually by using the output journal.
Select this option if you want the program to automatically calculate and post the output. The program uses the quantity on the production order line as the output quantity. If the Routing Link Code field on the corresponding production order component line is empty, calculation and posting will be done when you change the status of a planned (or firm planned) production order to released. Otherwise, it will be done when the operation is started. You are, however, still able to post consumption manually from the output journal. You use the forward flushing method to automatically reduce the inventory of components before they are issued at the time a scheduled receipt for their parents or assemblies is created via a bill-of-material explosion.
Select this option if you want the program to automatically calculate and post the output. The program uses the quantity of the production order line as the output quantity. If the Routing Link Code field on the corresponding production order component line is empty, calculation and posting will be done when you change the status of a released production order to Finished. Otherwise, it will be done when the operation is finished. You are, however, still able to post consumption manually from the consumption journal. You use the forward flushing method to automatically reduce the inventory of components after completion of an activity on the components' upper level parent item that is based on what should have been used as specified in the bill of material.