Flushing Method Field

The Prod. Order Routing Line Table

Here you can choose the flushing Method for this production order routing line.

Available flushing methods are:


Select this option if you want to post consumption manually using the consumption journal.


Select this option to have the program automatically calculate and post consumption. If the Routing Link Code field on the corresponding production order component line is empty, calculation and posting will be done when you change the status of a planned (or firm planned) production order to Released. Otherwise, it will be done when the operation is started. You are, however, still able to post consumption manually from the consumption journal.


Select this option to have the program automatically calculate and post consumption. If the Routing Link Code field on the corresponding production order component line is empty, calculation and posting will be done when you change the status of a released production order to Finished. Otherwise, it will be done when the operation is finished. You are, however, still able to post consumption manually from the consumption journal.