This report helps you isolate an inventory item's standard cost on either a single-level or a rolled-up (multi-level) basis.
The difference between the two methods of analyzing inventory cost has to do with the proportion of total cost assigned to material, capacity or subcontractor expenses.
Single-Level: Material cost is equal to the cost of all of the items on the item's BOM. Capacity and subcontractor costs are the cost related to the parent item only.
Rolled-Up: Material cost is the cost of all items in the parent item's product structure. Capacity and subcontractor costs are the cost related to produce all of the items in the parent item's product structure.
You can define what is included in the report by setting filters. You can set additional fields on the Item tab by clicking the Field field, then clicking the AssistButton that appears to the right. Fill in the fields as follows:
No.: Enter the item number for which you want to print the cost shares.
Single-Level Cost: Select this option button if you want the cost shares calculated as single-level.
Rolled-up Cost: Select this option button if you want the cost shares calculated as rolled-up.
Click Print to print the report. If you want to see the report on the screen before printing, click Preview. If you do not want to print the report now, click Cancel to close the window.