This sort of information gathering may be performed by different staff depending on their focus. Sales staff may want progress information for particular production orders, so they can respond accurately to customer inquiries about the status of their orders. Production staff may want to follow the progress of individual operations as part of the ongoing maintenance of the production schedule (this is covered in Reschedule an Operation).
The Production Schedule window can be used by sales staff to obtain an overview of the order schedule and the progress of specific production orders. The window can be made accessible anywhere in the Navigation Pane and the level of interaction is simply defined by the user’s permissions to the functionality behind the window. For example, a user can not move an operation if that user is not granted permission to the Routing Line table.
Click Production Schedule (in the Navigation Pane).
The Production Schedule window opens showing all existing production orders (except simulated and finished).
By default, the period shown when the window is first opened (in minimized view) is 4 days after today's date (marked with a red line) and 1 day before today's date. This initial view can be adjusted, see below.
Select the Production Order View (at the bottom) to see operations in the context of their production orders.
Locate the production order – look for the production order number in the Production Order column.
Note: A tooltip text displays relevant information when you place the cursor over data in the column.
Click and drag the time scale forward (to the right) to show fewer days.
Click and drag the time scale backwards (to the left) to show more days
Click the expand/collapse icons (+/-) to see the production resources performing the operations.
Note: Even with the resources collapsed under a production order, you can see all operations in the order.
Right-click anywhere in the interaction pane and select Show Progress from the functions menu.
The system now shows the progress on each operation in the
production order as a percentage figure. This figure is defined as
the quantity finished (or time spent) as a percentage of the total
quantity to be outputted.
The Show Progress function is indicated by a small blue line
underneath each operation bar.
Note: The critical information for sales staff would be the progress percentage of the last operation as this represents the completion of the whole production order.