In the Production Schedule window there are no system checks concerning component availability after rescheduling. The interrelation between Order Planning and Production Schedule is based on an all manual work flow. There is no automation logic between the two. You can say that one is giving new requirements to the other with every action in this work flow. Therefore, you may have to manually check availability after every rescheduling performed.
This planning task may be performed from a production order right after it has been rescheduled (see Reschedule an Operation). It may be sufficient to check the Item Availability by window for the affected components, but it is probably more effective to use the Order Planning window.
From the production order that has just been rescheduled, click Order, Planning.
In the Order Planning window, click Functions, Calculate Plan.
If any components are not available for this production order, a planning line is displayed for the production order header and any unfulfilled demand lines are expanded under it.
Note: All other production demand that exists is also displayed, and you may have to respect this.
Proceed to plan for the demand as described in Plan for New Demand
This task may have to be done several times as you align your fine production schedule to the rough one created by the system during order planning.
Note: Existing Supply Orders are Not Deleted
The rescheduling performed may mean that the quantity on an already planned and created purchase order is no longer sufficient. After calculating a plan, the Order Planning window will suggest to create an additional purchase order for the same item, and it will not delete or change the old purchase order (as does the automatic planning run). Therefore, it is a good idea to check existing supply orders and perhaps manually modify them according to new demand created through fine scheduling.