New versions of production BOMs are used when, for example, an item is replaced by another cheaper or better quality item, or when a customer requires a special version of a product.
Open the Production BOM
List window.
On the displayed list, click the BOM to be edited, and then click OK. The data for the selected BOM is then displayed.
To edit the version, click Prod. BOM, Versions.
Fill in the fields of the new production BOM version.
The newly created version is automatically assigned the status New.
The time validity of the version is specified by the Starting Date field.
For Help about a specific field, click the field and press F1.
With the Item option in the Type field, you have the possibility of using an item from your item master data in the production BOM. If the item also has a production BOM (whereby the Production BOM No. field is filled in on the item card), this production BOM is also considered.
With the Production BOM option you have the possibility of using a phantom production BOM on the line.
Phantom production BOMs serve for structuring products. This production BOM type never leads to a finished product, but is used exclusively for determining the dependent demand. Phantom production BOMs do not have their own item master data.
Copying Production BOM Versions by Using Copy BOM Version Functions
Copying Production BOM Versions by Using the Copy BOM Header Function
Comparing Material Quantities for all Production BOM Versions
Replacing Production BOM Items