The production BOMs support the version principle which is explained below.
The version principle enables various versions of a production BOM to be managed. The structure of the production BOM version corresponds to the structure of the production BOMs consisting of the production BOM version header and lines. The basic difference is in the time validity of the versions. The validity is defined by the starting date.
The starting date and the status are decisive for using the production BOM version in production.
The starting date indicates the start of the period in which this version is valid. For all other considerations, the starting date is a filter criterion for calculations and evaluations. The BOM version is valid until the next version becomes valid for its starting date.
The status of the version can correspond to the following options:
The New status is automatically filled in when a new version is created. In this status, all changes can be made, and no consideration is made in the calculations.
The version reaches the Certified status when the version of the production BOM has been created completely and correctly. To do this, it must be checked first by appropriately qualified employees. After setting the status to Certified, the BOM is considered in calculations (according to starting date and ending date). No changes to the version are possible.
Under Development
If changes to the production BOM version are necessary, the status is set to Under Development to allow changes.
Indicates that the BOM version is no longer valid.
The quantity is calculated under consideration of different dimensions which are also entered on the lines. The dimensions refer to an order unit of the respective item. The length, width, depth and weight can be entered as dimensions.
The Calculation Formula, Length, Width, Depth and Weight columns are not displayed, because they are only used by some users. If you wish to use the calculation of the quantity, you must first display these columns.
The relation of the individual components is defined by the calculation formula. The following possibilities are available as a calculation formula:
No consideration of dimensions. (Quantity = Quantity per.)
Quantity = Quantity per * Length
Length * Width
Quantity = Quantity per * Length * Width
Length * Width * Depth
Quantity = Quantity per * Length * Width * Depth
Quantity = Quantity per * Weight
In a production BOM, seventy metal parts with the dimensions length = 0.20 m and width = 0.15 m are required. The values are entered as follows: Calculation Formula = Length * Width, Length = 20, Width = 15, Quantity per = 70. The quantity is given by the Quantity per * Length * Width, that is, Quantity = 70 * 0.20 m * 0.15 m = 2.1 m2.
Creating New Versions of Production BOMs
Copying Production BOM Versions by Using Copy BOM Version Functions
Copying Production BOM Versions by Using the Copy BOM Header Function
Comparing Material Quantities for all Production BOM Versions