Calculate Job Recognition Batch Job

This batch job prepares the entries in the Job Ledger Entry table for posting to the corresponding general ledger accounts. This batch job must be executed before you run the Post Job Recognition to G/L batch job.

The Amt. to Recognize field in the Job Ledger Entry will be changed to the value to be posted to the general ledger. If the Entry Type is Sale, the batch job will enter the equal amount as the Total Price in this field.

If the entry type is Usage, the amount to be posted to the general ledger will depend on the Job Usage Posting field in the following way:




Posting usage entries to the general ledger is not possible.


Usage entries will be posted to the general ledger in the amount of the unit cost. The amount in the Amt to Recognize field is equal to the contents in the Total Cost field.


Usage entries will be posted to the general ledger in the amount of the unit price. The amount in the Amt to Recognize field is equal to the contents in the Total Price field.

You can define what is included in the batch job by setting filters. You can set additional fields on the tab by clicking the Field field, then clicking the AssistButton that appears to the right. Fill in the fields as follows:


No.: Here you can specify the numbers of the jobs to be included in the batch job. To see the existing job numbers, click the Filter field, then click the AssistButton that appears to the right.

Job Ledger Entry

Entry Type: Here you can determine whether to post usage or sale to the general ledger accounts. If you leave the field blank, both kinds of entries will be posted.

Posting Date: You can select a certain posting date or a period during which entries have been posted. It is possible to enter a date or a time interval. There are certain rules for how they should be entered:


Sample Expression

Entries Included

Equal to

12 15 00

Only those posted on 12 15 00.


12 15 00..01 15 01

..12 15 00

Those posted on dates between and including 12 15 00 and 01 15 01.

Those posted on 12 15 00 or earlier.


12 15 00|12 16 00

Those posted on either 12 15 00 or 12 16 00. If there are some entries posted each day, all will be displayed.

You are also allowed to combine the various format types:

12 15 00|12 01 00..12 10 00

Entries posted either on 12 15 00 or on dates between and including 12 01 00 and 12 10 00.

..12 14 00|12 30 00..

Entries posted on 12 14 00 or earlier, or entries posted on 12 30 00 or thereafter- that is, all entries except those posted on dates between and including 12 15 00 and 12 29 00.

Click the OK button to print out the batch job. If you want to see the batch job on the screen before printing, click the Preview button. If you do not want to run the batch job now, click Cancel to close the window.

Click the up-arrow in the lower left-had corner to see the results of the filter you have defined for the table.