Analysis Report Name Table

List of Fields in the Table

You use the Analysis Report Name table to set up your analysis reports. An analysis report can be used to generate statistics based on item ledger entries. You can create a report to show the sale or purchase of individual dimensions, for example departments or customer groups.


You can set up several analysis reports containing different extracts of your inventory and item entries. You can also set up several column templates, which define the information that is displayed for the items.


Each analysis report name specifies the line template and the column template that you want the program to use for the analysis report. You set up line templates in the Analysis Line Template table. For each analysis line template, you specify the lines that you want included in the report in the Analysis Line table. You set up column templates in the Analysis Column Template table. For each analysis column template, you specify the columns that you want included in the report in the Analysis Column table.


In the Analysis Report window, you can view analysis reports using the various templates for lines and columns you have set up.


Related Topics

Creating New Inventory Analysis Reports

Setting Up Analysis Line Templates

Setting Up Analysis Column Templates

Setting Up Analysis Types