Whse. Get Bin Content Report

When you run this report, the program calculates the contents of bins and fills the journal lines with one line per bin content, including information such as the bin number, item number and quantity.  This report simplifies the process of moving the contents of an entire bin or a number of bins by filling in the journal lines automatically.

You can define what is included in the report by setting filters. You can set additional fields on the tabs by clicking the Field field, then clicking the AssistButton that appears to the right. You can also determine what is shown in the report by filling in the fields on the Options tab. Fill in the fields as follows:

Bin Content

Location Code: Here you can choose which locations will be included in the report. To see the existing locations, click the Filter field, then click the AssistButton that appears to the right.

Zone Code: Here you can choose which zones will be included in the report.  To see the existing zones, click the Filter field, then click the AssistButton that appears to the right.

Bin Code: Here you can choose which bins will be included in the report.  To see the existing bins, click the Filter field, then click the AssistButton that appears to the right.

Item No.: Here you can choose which items will be included in the report. To see the existing items, click the Filter field, then click the AssistButton that appears to the right.

Variant Code: Here you can choose which variants will be included in the report. To see the existing variants, click the Filter field, then click the AssistButton that appears to the right.

Unit of Measure Code: Here you can choose which units of measure will be included in the report.  To see the available units of measure, click the Filter field, then click the AssistButton that appears on the right.

Click the up-arrow in the lower left-hand corner of the window to see the result of the filters you have defined for the table.


Posting Date: Here you can specify the posting date that will appear on the journal lines generated by the report.

Document No.: Here you can specify the document number that will appear on the journal lines generated by the report.

Click Print to print out the report. If you want to see the report on the screen before printing, click Preview. If you do not want to print the report now, click Cancel to close the window.