Export Analysis Rep. to Excel Batch Job

The Export Analysis Rep. to Excel batch job is used to export an analysis report to an Excel workbook. When you have exported an analysis report to Excel, you can use the features in Excel to create presentations, and so on. You can also update the Excel workbook with changes to an analysis report so that graphs and charts in Excel reflect these changes.

The exported information contains all the fields in the selected analysis report.

You can define how the batch job will be carried out. Fill in the fields as follows:


Options: You can select from two options. The program will either create a new workbook in Excel for exported information or you can choose to use an already existing workbook.


Workbook File Name: Enter the name of the Excel workbook file that the data will be exported to. You must only use this field if you have selected the option Update Workbook in the Options field.


Worksheet Name: Enter the name or number of a worksheet from the workbook selected in the Workbook File Name field.


Click OK to start the batch job. If you do not want to run the batch job now, click Cancel to close the window.