Putting Items Away with Inventory Put-away

When your location is setup to require put-away processing but not receive processing, you use the Inventory Put-away document to record and post put-away and receipt information for your source documents.  The inbound source document can be a purchase order, a sales return order, an inbound transfer order, or a production order whose output is ready for put-away.

To Put Items Away With the Inventory Put-away:

  1. Open the Inventory Put-away window.

  2. To begin working on the put-away document, you can either open a put-away document that has already been created, or you can create a new document.  For more information on creating an Inventory Put-away, see Creating Inventory Put-aways.

To open a previously created put-away document, click Put-away, List, and select the put-away you would like to work with.

  1. In the put-away lines, if you are using bins, the program specifies the bin to which the item should be picked by suggesting the item's default bin in the Bin Code field.  You can change the bin in this window if necessary.

  2. To create a printed put-away list for the lines in the window, click Print.  

  3. Perform the put-away and enter the information for the actual quantity put away in the Qty. to Handle field.

If it is necessary to place the items for one line in more than one bin, use the Split Line function found in the Functions menu of this window.  For more information on splitting lines, see Splitting Lines.

  1. When you have performed the put-away, click Posting, Post (or press F11).

The posting process will post the receipt (or for production orders, the output) of the source document lines that have been put away, and if the location uses bins, the posting will also create warehouse entries to post the bin quantity changes.

You can see the posted put-away information in the Posted Invt. Put-aways window on the Inventory menu.

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Putting Items Away