Save as Standard Journal

Note: This topic refers to the item journal, but the information also applies to the general journal.

When you have created item journal lines which you know you are likely to create again later, you can choose to save them as a standard journal before you post the item journal.

To Save as Standard Journal:

  1. Open the Item Journal window and enter one or more journal lines.

  2. Select one or more lines if you do not want to reuse all the journal lines. (If no journal lines are selected, the function will include all the journal lines.)

  3. Click Functions, Save as Standard Journal.

In the Save as Standard Item Journal request window you must define a new or existing standard item journal that the lines should be saved in:

  1. In the Code field, enter a code to identify the standard item journal that you are about to save.

If you have already created one or more standard item journals and you want to replace one of these with the new set of item journal lines, you can look up in the Code field and select the code in question. When you click OK, the program will ask you to verify that you want to overwrite the existing standard item journal and replace all its content.

  1. In the Description field, enter a text that indicates the purpose of the standard item journal.

  2. Place a check mark in the Save Unit Amount field if you want the program to save the value(s) in the Unit Amount field of the item journal you are saving.

  3. Place a check mark in the Save Quantity field if you want the program to save the value(s) in the Quantity field of the item journal you are saving.

  4. Click OK to save the standard item journal.

When you have finished saving the item journal, the program reverts to the Item Journal window so you can proceed to post it – while knowing that it can easily be recreated next time you need to post the same or similar lines.

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