
Clicking the Posting button will allow you to choose various posting functions when you post the general journal:


Test Report


Post and Print

Lines that you insert in the general journal are only temporary until they are posted. This means that the information is found only in the general journal, and any affected accounts are not updated.

To take all the information you have entered in the general journal and record it in all the relevant accounts, you must post the journal. A line that is posted from the journal creates entries in various ledger entry tables. For each line, at least one ledger entry will always be created.

Before you begin to post, you can choose to reconcile by choosing Posting, Reconcile. You can also print a test report that will show all the lines in the general journal along with any errors there. To print the report, choose Posting, Test Report.

To start posting, choose Posting, Post; or Posting, Post and Print. If you choose the second one, the program will print a report at the same time as you post. The report will correspond to the G/L register that was created by the posting.

A general journal cannot be posted unless it balances (that is, contains equal debit and credit amounts) as of the posting date. If the journal does not balance, an error message will appear. Correct the error and start posting again.

You can also require that lines in the general journal balance per document number and document type. You do this in the Force Doc. Balance field in the Gen. Journal Template table.

When the posting is completed, the lines disappear from the general journal unless you have posted from a recurring journal. A message tells you when the posting is completed. After this, you will be able to see the posted entries in the various tables that contain posted entries.