Buying Budgeted Fixed Assets

When you post the real acquisition cost (in either the FA G/L journal or the FA journal), you enter the number of the budgeted asset in the Budgeted FA No. field. This will cause the program to post an acquisition cost with an opposite sign for the budgeted asset. That means the total acquisition cost on the budgeted asset is the difference between the budgeted and the actual acquisition cost.

To Buy Budgeted Fixed Assets:

  1. Set up a new fixed asset card.

  2. Open the Fixed Asset Journal window.

  3. In the Fixed Asset Journal window, fill in the fields. For Help about a specific field, click the field and press F1.

    In the FA Posting Type field, select Acquisition Cost.

    Fill in the number of the budgeted asset in the Budgeted FA No. field.

  4. To post the entry, click Posting, Post, and then click Yes.

Related Topics

Creating Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets Budget

Budgetting Acquisition Costs

Budgetting Disposals of Fixed Assets

Viewing Projected Disposal Values

Acquisition Costs

Filling In and Posting FA Journals

Setting Up Posting Types