Splitting Up Fixed Assets

If you have posted an acquisition cost for one asset, you can use the FA reclassification journal to split the acquisition cost among several assets.

For example, you can move 25% of the acquisition cost and depreciation for an asset to another asset and 45% to a third asset. The remaining 30% will remain on the original asset.

To Split Up Fixed Assets:

  1. Open the FA Reclass. Journal window.

  2. Fill in two journal lines, one for each asset that you wish to move costs to.

    For Help about a specific field, click the field and press F1.

  3. Click Reclassify, Yes, and then click OK.

  4. Close the window.

  5. Open the Fixed Asset G/L Journal window to see the lines created by the program. You must enter balancing accounts in the FA G/L journal before you can post the journal.

  6. To post the lines, click Posting, Post, and then click Yes.


If you want to move acquisition cost and depreciation to new assets, you must set up fixed asset cards before you begin to reclassify the assets.

Related Topics

FA Reclassification Journal

Transferring Fixed Assets to Different Locations

Combining Several Assets

Viewing Reclassified Entries

Acquisition Costs

Setting Up FA Reclassification Journal Templates

Creating Fixed Assets