Fixed Asset Depreciation Setup

Before you can use the Fixed Assets application area, you must enter certain basic depreciation information.

You must create depreciation books, and define various depreciation rules, integration with the general ledger and information that allows duplication of entries in several depreciation books. You must also define a default journal setup for each depreciation book.

Multiple Depreciation Books

You can set up multiple depreciation books to accommodate various kinds of depreciation. You can set up an unlimited number of depreciation books. For each depreciation book, you must decide whether it should be integrated with the general ledger. (If a book is integrated with the general ledger, all transactions posted to the depreciation book will also be posted to specific general ledger accounts.)

After you have set up the necessary depreciation books, you must attach at least one depreciation book to each fixed asset. You do this in the FA Depreciation Book window. Each combination of a fixed asset number and a depreciation book code is called an FA depreciation book.

You do not have to attach each depreciation book to all fixed assets. The individual fixed assets can therefore use varying numbers of FA depreciation books.

You can use various methods of depreciation for preparing financial statements and income tax returns. Many large corporations use straight-line depreciation in their financial statements because this generally permits reporting higher earnings. For income tax purposes, however, many businesses use an accelerated depreciation method.

Related Topics

Fixed Assets Setup

Setting Up Depreciation Books

Setting Up Posting Types

Defining Default Setup of Templates and Batches

Setting Up FA Depreciation Books Manually

Setting Up FA Depreciation Books Automatically

Setting Up Duplication Lists

Depreciation Methods

Posting Entries to Different Depreciation Books

Copying FA Ledger Entries

Posting Depreciation