Editing Attachments to Meeting Invitations

You can edit an attachment for an invitation to a meeting.

You can modify an attachment to a meeting invitation from the Salesperson/Purchaser card.

To Edit an Attachment:

  1. Open the Salesperson/Purchaser Card window.

  2. Click Salesperson, List, and select the salesperson who organized the to-do.

  3. On the Salesperson/Purchaser card, click Salesperson, To-dos.

  4. In the To-do List window, select the to-do with an attachment you want to edit.

  5. Click To-do, Attendee Scheduling.

  6. On the Interaction tab, click the AssistButton to the right of the Attachment field. The program opens the attachment.

  7. Make the necessary modifications and close the document. A dialog box appears.

  8. Click Yes to save and import the modified document.


When an invitation is sent, a check mark for that attendee appears in Invitation Sent field. A log is created in the Interaction Log Entries table for all attendees of type Contact to whom invitations were sent. Attachments are only available for the attendees of the type Contact.

The following customized text will be sent to attendees of the Salesperson type:

Dear [Salesperson's Name],

You are hereby invited to attend the meeting which will take place on [date] at [time].

Yours sincerely,

[Meeting Organizer's Name]

[date sent] [time sent]

You cannot modify this text.

Related Topics

Creating To-dos

Sending Meeting Invitations

Adding Attendees to a Meeting

Removing Attendees from a Meeting

Editing Meeting Attendees