Contact - Company Summary Report

With the Contact - Company Summary report, you can print information about your contact companies. The report includes details about the company (address, contact number, and so on), related interactions and to-dos.

If you want to include more information, you can select additional fields to be included in the report. To do this, in the Field field, press F3, click the AssistButton and then select the relevant field(s). You can set filters on any of the fields. If you do not set any filters, the report will include all your records.

To print the report, click the Print button. To see the report on screen, click Preview. If you want to save your report and print it later, click Cancel (the program automatically saves your report).

To filter the information in the report, in the Filter field, fill in the relevant information as follows:

Contact tab

Company No. field: Enter the company number(s) you want to include in the report. If you leave this field empty, the report will include all your companies.

Salesperson Code field: Enter a salesperson code if you want the report only to include the companies assigned to that particular salesperson.

Post Code field: Enter a post code if you want the report only to include companies that have been assigned that particular post code.

Country Code field: Enter a country code if you want the report only to include companies that have been assigned that particular country code.

Click the up-arrow in the lower left-hand corner of the window to see the table with the result of the filters you have set for the report.

To-do tab

Closed field: Enter Yes if you want the report only to include closed to-dos.

Date field: Enter a date or date filter if you want to limit the report to a specific period.

Type field: Select a type (action, meeting or phone call) of to-dos if you only want to include these types in the report.

Click the up-arrow in the lower left-hand corner of the window to see the table with the result of the filters you have set for the report.

Interaction Log Entry tab

Date field: Enter a date or date filter if you want to limit the opportunities in the report to a certain period.

Interaction Group Code field: Enter an interaction group code if you want the report only to include interactions that have been created using that interaction group.

Interaction Template Code field: Enter an interaction template code if you want the report only to include interactions that have been created using that interaction template.

Information Flow field: Select an information flow (inbound or outbound) if you only want this type of interaction in the report.

Initiated By field: Select the party (us or them) that initiated the interactions you want to include in the report.

Click the up-arrow in the lower left-hand corner of the window to see the table with the result of the filters you have set for the report.

To sort your records in descending or ascending order (for example, numerically or alphabetically) using one of the fields in your report, click Sort. In the Sort window, under Key, select the relevant field and under Order, select Ascending or Descending and then click OK.

Related Topics

Entering Criteria in Filters
