Item Imported Field

The Inbound Product Catalog Line Table

There is a check mark in this field if the program has imported items from the Inbound Product Catalog Hdr. table into the relevant Navision Item table.

The program must validate any item before it can import it. The item number that is used to find the item to modify depends on the item number type that is specified in the Sales Item Number Type field.


The program assigns the next available item number in Navision to each new item that you create.

There are three methods for importing items. You must specify a method by selecting one of the following three options in the Item Import Action field:

1. Update

Only existing items are updated. If an item is not found, the process continues to the next item in the BizTalk product catalog.

2. Create New

Only new items are created. If an item already exists, the program will not create a new item, and it will not update the old item.

3. Update or Create New

If the item exists, the program will update it. If not, the program will create a new item.

There are two tables in which the program can create or update items with the data that the program imports from the BizTalk product catalog. You can choose to update one of the tables or both tables at once. To do this, select one of the following three options in the Item Import Destination field:

  1. Item table

    The program updates all fields on the item card. This includes the Item No. (Internal Item No., Vendor Item No. or Common Item No.), Item Description, Base Unit of Measure, Unit Cost, Unit Price, Unit List Price, Currency, Gross Weight, Net Weight, Units per Parcel and Unit Volume fields. In addition, if there is extended text or a bitmap image for each item, the program will update these as well.

  2. Item Vendor table

    The program updates all fields in the Item Vendor Catalog. This includes the Item No. (Internal Item No. or Vendor Item No.), Vendor No., Unit of Measure Code, Direct Unit Cost, Direct Unit Price, Starting Date and Currency Code fields.

  3. Both

    The program updates all values on the item card and in the item vendor catalog. This includes item-specific information on the item card and vendor-specific information in the vendor catalog.


If you select the Item Vendor Catalog option and you selected either Create New, or Update or Create New in the Item Imported field, then the program will create a new item card. The program will fill in the Item No., Common Item No., Description, Search Description and Base Unit of Measure fields on this new item card.