The Recipients Form

The Recipients form is used for three tasks:

Each task has its own tab on the form.

The Internal Recipients Tab

In order for a user to be able to use the browser-based subscription interface to sign up for notifications, you must give them explicit permission to do so.

The upper part of this tab, "Sign-up permission", is used for this.

You add a user by clicking Add. This opens the standard Windows form for selecting users from the Active Directory. This is the same form you see when you click Control Panel, User Accounts, Add, Browse.



The easiest way to find a user is to type the full name (for example "John Smith") in the Enter the object name to select text box, and then click Check Names. Verify that you have found the correct user, and click OK. The user will be added to the list of users that are allowed to sign-up. You can add individual users as well as groups.

To delete a user (revoke the permission to sign-up), select the user in the list of users, and then click Remove.

Below, in the area called "Sign-up information", you enter the title and the description of the notification that a user sees in the browser when they select notifications to subscribe to.

The title is not the same as the name you give the scheme in the Notification Designer (this is also the name you see in the Notification Manager). Neither is it the same as the name that a template has. The relationships between these different names are explained in the following example:

It is recommended that you construct the name of a template as follows: <business entity name> - <event name>. For example: "Sales Order - Credit Limit Exceeded."

Based on this template, you can create a number of schemes. For example, you can create one scheme that can send notifications when the customer is in the U.S. and one that can send notifications when the customer is in Canada. You could name these two schemes "Sales Order - Credit Limit Exceeded (U.S.)" and "Sales Order - Credit Limit Exceeded (Canada)." Remember that these names are only visible in the Notification Manager and Designer.

Finally, for the users who are going to be able subscribe to these two schemes, you must create a title and a description, for example:

Title: U.S. Customer Credit Limit Exceeded

Description: This notification alerts you when a sales order for a U.S. customer is created and the credit limit for that customer is exceeded.

(And a similar one for the Canadian example.)

The point here is that the title and the description can be a lot more user-friendly and helpful than the names in the Notification Manager and Designer.

The External Recipients Tab

If you want to let an external recipient (such as a business partner) subscribe to a notification, you have to do it explicitly in this form. This is because external recipients are not, normally, registered as Windows users in your company, so they cannot be given permissions to subscribe themselves. Also, the subscription application is intended to run on the Intranet, so they cannot use it anyway.

To add an external recipient:

  1. Insert a check mark in the "Send message to external recipients" checkbox to allow external recipients to subscribe.

  2. Place the cursor in the Recipients: text box, select a field from the list of fields, and click Insert field. The field should be an e-mail address, such as "Vendor e-mail."

  3. You can also enter "hard-coded" addresses directly in the Recipients: text box.

  4. In either case, multiple addresses must be separated by semi-colons.

The actual e-mail message sent to external recipients will be the same as the one used for internal subscribers. If you want to create a different message for an external recipient, you must create a separate scheme for this purpose. If you have already created a scheme for internal subscribers, you can copy this scheme, and edit the message.