Designing and Using Notifications

Notifications are sent to internal users that have actively subscribed to them, or to external recipients, such as business partners. When an internal user goes into the browser-based subscription tool, they see a list of notifications available for subscription. They can also use this tool to cancel subscriptions. External recipients are added when designing a scheme.


The list of notifications are created in the Business Notification Designer.

The following explains the key concepts in the Designer:

This list of notifications available for subscription is created on the basis of all the business entities and events that have been set up in Navision. To learn about adding new business entities and events in Navision click here. However, note that you can not do this in the Business Notification tools, and that it requires a Navision developer license.

As part of the setup of Business Notification, a power user will define the notifications. A notification is created by:

  1. Selecting a business entity. For example, "Bill of Materials."

  2. Selecting an event from this business entity. For example, "BOM Changed."

  3. Setting a filter on the notification. For example, "only notify if the change is to certain important parts, such as the wheels of a bicycle."

  4. Creating the e-mail message the subscribers will receive.

  5. Defining the users, or the groups of users, who are allowed to subscribe to the notification.

  6. Giving the notification a descriptive name. For example, "Bicycle Wheels Changed."

  7. Publishing the notification.


For an end-user, there is little to do in order to use Business Notification. The end-user has to subscribe (sign up) for notifications that they have permission to subscribe to and that they are interested in and eventually they may want to cancel a previous subscription.

Once they have subscribed they will receive e-mail messages when the notification is triggered (when something happens in Navision that causes an event to be raised.)

For some solutions, there may be procedures to perform in Navision before events are raised and notifications are triggered. This is part of the functionality of the Navision part of the solution (the Navision business logic) and will be documented there.