var TITEMS = [ ["What is Business Notification?", null, "1", ["Finding out about Business Notification", "overview/intro.htm", "11"], ["Getting Started in 3 minutes", "overview/howdoesitwork.htm", "11"], ["How Does It Work?", "overview/how.htm", "11"], ["Designing and Using Notifications", "overview/designing.htm", "11"] ], ["Concepts", null, "1", ["Business Entity", "concepts/businessentity.htm", "11"], ["Event", "concepts/event.htm", "11"], ["External Recipient", "concepts/externalrecipient.htm", "11"], ["Filter", "concepts/filter.htm", "11"], ["Notification", "concepts/notification.htm", "11"], ["Scheme", "concepts/scheme.htm", "11"], ["Subscription", "concepts/subsctiption.htm", "11"], ["Template", "concepts/templates.htm", "11"], ["The Navision Side of Things", "concepts/navisionside.htm", "11"] ], ["Notification Manager Reference Guide", null, "1", ["Notification Manager Overview", "reference/notmanager.htm", "11"], ["Notification Manager Main Form", "reference/notmanagermain.htm", "11"], ["Notification Manager Template Administration", "reference/notmanagertemplate.htm", "11"], ["Incompatible Business Entity", "reference/incompatible.htm", "11"], ["View History", "reference/notmanagerlog.htm", "11"] ], ["Notification Designer Reference guide", null, "1", ["Overview", "reference/toolguide.htm", "11"], ["The Event Selection Form", "reference/eventselection.htm", "11"], ["Field View", "reference/fieldview.htm", "11"], ["The Filter Form", "reference/filterform.htm", "11"], ["More About Filters", "reference/morefilters.htm", "11"], ["The Message Form", "reference/messageform.htm", "11"], ["The Recipients Form", "reference/recipientsform.htm", "11"] ], ["Administration", null, "1", ["Administration", "administration/administration.htm", "11"], ["Password Change", "administration/password.htm", "11"], ["Backup", "administration/backup.htm", "11"], ["Configuration Files", "administration/configurationfiles.htm", "11"], ["Changing Time On The SQLNS Server", "administration/changingtime.htm", "11"] ], ["Creating Events in Navision", null, "1", ["Overview of Events", "howtos/overview.htm", "11"], ["Creating Events in Navision", "howtos/eventsinnavision.htm", "11"], ["Time-based Events", "howtos/timebased.htm", "11"] ], ["Subscription", null, "1", ["How to Subscribe", "reference/notsubsctiptionguide.htm", "11"] ], ["Templates Reference", null, "1", ["Templates Description", "outofthebox/intro.htm", "11"] ] ]; var FITEMS = arr_flatten(TITEMS); function arr_flatten (x) { var y = []; if (x == null) return y; for (var i=0; i