In addition to the Properties window, you can use two special tools to set some of the properties of controls:

To use Color Tool

  1. Click View, and then click Color to open Color Tool.

  2. Open the Property window for the selected control.

  3. To select colors for foreground, background, and border, click the palette.The corresponding properties are ForeColor, BackColor, and BorderColor.

  4. Use the Background and Border check boxes to display the selected color.

  5. In the Property window, set the BackTransparent property and Border property to Yes to display the selected color.

  6. If the control has a border, select the style and width using one of the buttons at the bottom of the window.

To use Font Tool

  1. Click View, then click Font to open Font Tool.

  2. Select a control that displays text.

  3. Enter the name of the font to use.

  4. Enter the font size for the selected font.

  5. Click the buttons at the bottom to select font attributes and alignment.The General button aligns text to the left and numbers to the right.

See Also