A matrix box is a composite control that can show information from several tables at the same time. The first two tables are the vertical and the horizontal table of the matrix box control. In the matrix part of the control, each cell can be used to display information that is calculated on the basis of fields in these two tables, or information that is retrieved from other tables (with values from the first two tables being used to select records, for example by setting filters). Each cell in the matrix is the intersection of a record from the vertical and the horizontal table.

The part to the left of the vertical divider bar displays records from the vertical table, the table that is the source table of the form, similar to a table box. To the right of the divider bar is the matrix itself. Above it, the records from the horizontal table are displayed (in the style that is normally used for the labels in a table box). This is the matrix heading. The horizontal table is called the matrix source table.


Matrix box controls are not supported in the RoleTailored client.

The following illustration shows a matrix box control on Form 113, Budget.

Matrix box section of Form 113, Budget

Expand imageNavigating in a Matrix Box

Expand imageCreating a Matrix Box

Expand imageProgramming Information

Expand imageSee Also