The following topics describe end-to-end processes that you can follow to design and modify reports for the RoleTailored client.

In This Section

Documentation Description

Walkthrough: Creating a Link from a Report to a Page

Describes how to modify the Customer - Top 10 List report to include a link to the customer card.

Walkthrough: Creating a Link from a Report to a Report

Describes how to modify the Customer - Top 10 List report to include a link to the Customer - Detail Trial Bal. report.

Walkthrough: Designing a Report with Images, Interactive Sorting, and Visibility Toggle

Describes how to create a report that displays images, allows interactive sorting, and visibility toggle.

Walkthrough: Designing a Customer List Report

This walkthrough describes how to create a simple report based on one table with Microsoft Dynamics NAV and design this report using Visual Studio Report Designer.

Walkthrough: Designing a Customer Sales Order Report

Describes how to create a report based on two tables with Microsoft Dynamics NAV and design this report in Visual Studio.

Walkthrough: Modifying the Customer - Top 10 List Report

Describes how to use the capabilities in Visual Studio Report Designer to modify the initial layout suggestion for the Customer - Top 10 List report into a more user-friendly report with formatted text, color, and charts.

See Also